YOGYAKARTA Not long ago the world commemorated International Lupus Day. The commemoration is celebrated every May 10. This moment is a reminder that Lupus disease can attack anyone and anywhere. Although it is celebrated every year, not many people know what lupus is.
Did you know that lupus can attack anyone, both babies and adults. No matter where, someone could be affected by this disease. Then what is a lupus disease?
Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, the lupus disease is a chronic reumatic autoimmune disease that is able to attack various organs of the body. This disease has a medical term, namely Lupus Eriteapous Systemic or systemic lupus erytheapulus (SLE).
Lupus is also known as a Thousand Face disease because this disease has different manifestations of this disease from one patient to another. Even the manifestation of lupus is sometimes similar to other diseases.
Lupus is caused by autoimmune conditions, namely disorders in the body's immune system. As a result, the body will lose its ability to detect which foreign objects' and which ones are self-sufficient'. This condition also makes the immune system actually attack healthy tissues and organs of the body.
Quoted from AI Care, this disease then triggers inflammation that occurs continuously in the body, including important parts in the body such as the heart, joints, kidneys, and even lungs. The nature of this disease is chronic and can last for a patient's life.
Because it is called a Thousand Face Disease, the symptoms of lupus disease are sometimes similar to other health problems, so patients are often late for medical treatment. But in general, the symptoms of lupus are as follows.
Lupus disease can be caused by something. Some conditions also make the risk of someone being exposed to lupus even greater. In general, the cause of lupus disease is as follows.
It should be noted that a person's reaction to certain drugs turns out to have side effects that resemble the symptoms of lupus. However, these symptoms can be lost when the patient stops taking the drug. However, doctors need to make further observations to determine the presence of lupus disease in patients.
Lupus can attack a person at any age. However, many patients from the age of 15 to 40 are often diagnosed as people with this disease. In addition, there are also more lupus patients with female gender than male patients. In fact, stress is also able to increase the risk of lupus.
Quoted in several sources, lupus is more prone to attacking people with colored skin, especially in the Asian, African, and Hispanic races. In addition to race, someone who has relatives at the pertamma level and secondly with lupus patients is actually more at risk.
The environments that are said to be able to increase the risk of lupus are pollution caused by cigarettes, exposure to excess ultavilet radiation, environments with a circulation of drugs that are too free, to virus attacks.
That's information related to what a disease is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.
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