YOGYAKARTA Sensitive people tend to be sensitive to the surroundings. Not only that, they are also more responsive in responding to the surroundings. Sensitive people also respond more to heartbreak, pain, and loss and beauty, new ideas, and joy. Not only negative emotions, according to Jenn Granneman and Andre S firelo's explanation in their book Sensitive, they are also sensitive to positive emotions.

Sensitive people have the same characteristics. It's like feeling stressed when in a busy environment with a rich emotional world. But everyone's sensitivity is certainly unique, so here are three types of sensitivity that sensitive people have. They can be sensitive to just one thing but can be sensitive to more than one type.

If you have a super sensor, you are sensitive to the information received through the senses. Such as scenery, smell, sound, and texture. This type of sensitivity determines, on the one hand, how aligned you are with your environment. On the other hand, determine how stimulated you are.

Characteristics of a person having a super sensor, among others, tend to be observant in quality, pay attention to details, be observant in planning events, correcting, or solving problems. If you have this sensitivity, you know what needs to be changed to improve an uncomfortable environment. In addition, you are easily tired or overwhelmed in a noisy and busy place. The body is very sensitive to caffeine, medicines, and alcohol in small doses.

If you are a super feeling, you easily respond to emotional stimulation both from within and from others. This type of sensitivity often comes with the innate ability to read people. But it also means you may emphasize in detail and be more struggling with painful emotions.

Sensitive to taste, among others, feeling many things deeply, having a rich emotional life, high empathy, good communication, and good emotional intelligence. You can easily build trust with others, absorb the emotions of those around you, and take a lot of rest time to recharge. In addition, you try hard to avoid making mistakes, feel stressed and tired when you have to finish things in a short time, easily hungry, irritable, and physically ill.

If you are sensitive to aesthetic aspects, you pay close attention to the details around you, especially artistic details. You have special appreciation for art and beauty. The signs include, being interested in artistic details, enjoying music, poetry, beautiful natural scenery, or a well- Decorated room. In addition, you appreciate the aroma or taste of softness, having a rich and imaginative batik world. This ability can help you find new ideas and ways of thinking.

It's important to remember that sensitivity may be in the gene, but experience and parenting also affect it. Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, May 10, sensitivity is a complex trait that varies in each person. So that sensitive people can have one, two, or three types of sensitivity at once.

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