JAKARTA - Happy news has returned to cover Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara's families. Through social media, Nadine shared good news along with her wedding anniversary with her husband.
"Hooray, happy 5th wedding anniversary dear! And... add a little more to our family," wrote Nadine Chandrawinata on Friday, May 5.
Nadine and Dimas and their first child, Nadi Dijwa Anggara, look compact wearing all blue clothes. In another photo, Dimas carried Nadi while Nadine was holding the baby's clothes in the same color.
"Thank you for your love, prayers and support for us, everyone... sorry we can't reply one by one, chase after Ma Djiwa hahahahah... thank you once again, "wrote Nadine again.
This news was warmly welcomed by the public as well as the people around them. This post was immediately enlivened with congratulations.
"Congratulations dimas and nadine," said Bunga Zainal.
"Congrats sis!! So cute," wrote Tantri Kotak.
"Congratulation guys," added Dian Sastrowardoyo.
Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara got married on May 8, 2018. Then they held a wedding in Lombok in July 2021.
Their marriage was blessed with their first child in February 2022 and named Nadi Djiwa Anggara. Their first child is a girl.
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