Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., Sp.A(K), M.Kes. An immunology allergy consultant pediatrician and Professor of Padjadjaran University said there are three recognized symptoms when the child has a cow's milk or cow protein allergy. Cow protein is the second largest allergy cause in Asia after eggs.

In Indonesia, children with cow's milk allergies reach 0.5-7.5 percent, while in the world it reaches 1.9-4.9 percent. Children who experience allergies must be treated as early as possible so that optimal treatment can be given so as not to hinder their growth and development.

"What parents have to do is identify as early as possible to detect whether this child is allergic or not. If you have recognized it as early as possible, it means that it must be consulted with a doctor immediately so that the child can develop optimally," said Prof. Budi launched ANTARA.

Prof. Budi said there are three symptoms that appear when the child has allergies, namely mild, moderate and severe. Allergy can also hit three organs of the body such as digestion, breathing and skin.

For digestive organs, the symptoms of allergies that arise such as colic, vomiting and most are diarrhea or experienced by 53 percent of children suffering from cow's milk allergies.

In the respiratory organs, symptoms of allergies appear such as coughs, asthma or rhinitis. While in the skin organ, rash, itching or eczema usually appears.

"For respiratory symptoms, it is necessary to see that this child coughs all day long or in the morning. If there is heat, it means that he is not an allergy," said Prof. Budi.

"Continue to pay attention to how it is, it is clear or flexible. The most important thing is to go to a doctor, don't diagnose it yourself, if we know the trigger we can control it so that optimal growth and development," continued Prof. Budi.

Prof. Budi said it is important for parents to detect and understand the symptoms of allergies as early as possible to be able to ensure the trigger so that optimal management can be carried out.

"If it is handled by children, they can carry out daily activities, develop hobbies and talents so that children excel and most importantly do not let these allergies appear, how to do prevention," said Prof. Budi.

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