JAKARTA - A viral video clip featuring Abidzar Al Ghifari singing has become the focus of netizens. His voice is considered to be similar to that of his late father, Ustaz Jefri Al Buchori or usually called Uje.
Pipik Dian Irawati, who is usually called Umi Pipik, Abidzar's mother, agrees with netizens' assessment. Not only voice, Pipik sees that Abidzar and Uje have many similarities.
"Indeed, his voice is similar to his late father. It's not just his voice, he's ignorant, he's just a fad and his clothes are (also similar)," said Umi Pipik in the Depok area on Wednesday, March 5.
Regarding these similarities, Umi Pipik explained that Abidzar really admired his father's figure. She said that her son deliberately imitated young Uje, from his attitude to his dress style.
"So I have an album, a photo album of Uje from when he was little until Uje wore clothes like that. So the children saw it, Abi also saw it," said Umi Pipik.
"So he followed, starting from his clothes, his pants were torn, his hair was long, he was really like his father," she continued.
However, Umi Pipik denied that her son intended to become a singer. Although behind the viral video of figure Melly Goeslaw who actually ordered Abidzar to sing, the wife of the late Uje said that the meeting between herself, Abidzar, and Melly Goeslaw was just an ordinary meeting.
"Oh, no (intention to be a singer). Met Melly was pure for iftar, because every year we have iftar," said Umi Pipik.
"At that time Melly (said), 'Come on, Umi, when are you breaking your fast?' Okay then, we are having an iftar together. Suddenly, Melly immediately asked me to sing. We are purely breaking the fast," she concluded.
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