JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) estimates that the diesel subsidy fuel quota (BBM) will not be sufficient until the end of 2023.
Member of the BPH Migas Committee, Iwan Prasetya Adhi, said that based on the realization, until now the subsidized fuel quota is only sufficient until early December 2023.
"For this reason, hard efforts are needed so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is right on target and on target, no less and no more than the amount of quota set by the Government," said Iwan to the media, Thursday, August 3.
It is known, if subsidized fuel is set at 17 million kiloliters for 2023.
To ensure sufficient quota until the end of 2023 and on target, BPH Migas also formed a Subsidized Fuel Supervision and Monitoring Task Force Team.
"Given the limited government budget, it is necessary to carry out strict supervision so as not to exceed the predetermined quota," said Iwan.
Other efforts made by BPH Migas have been carried out so that subsidized fuel is right on target and on volume, including the use of a QR Code and controlling the issuance of a recommendation letter for the purchase of subsidized fuel through increasing cooperation with local governments.
"In fact, many recommendation letters still need to be clarified again," he added.
Iwan gave an example, the need to go to sea for fishermen is about 20 liters of fuel for two days and usually rests a day not to go to sea.
However, what happens is that fishermen take subsidized fuel rations every day and then sell them to collectors.
"This is what we will arrange, cooperate with local governments and related agencies so that calculations are carried out with the needs of each fisherman or farmer," concluded Iwan.
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