JAKARTA - Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati reminded the assignment business entity to be able to distribute subsidized fuel properly and not violate the rules.
"Please keep it right on target and also right on volume. In accordance with applicable regulations," he told the media, Thursday, July 27.
According to him, if there are business entities that deviate from the rules, the community can play an active role in supervising the distribution of subsidized fuel on target and conveying to BPH Migas, so that the misuse of subsidized fuel distribution will be followed up from the complaint.
"The more people who then report, complain about the abuse they encounter at gas stations," he said.
Therefore, Erika reiterated that business entities should continue to increase monitoring in order to avoid misuse of subsidized fuel.
"My message to SBM (Sales Branch Manager), visit SPBU gas stations which are its responsibility. Supervision of the distribution of subsidized fuel is not only the task of BPH Migas. Because we have assigned Pertamina to distribute subsidized fuel, including overseeing the distribution," he said.
Di tempat yang sama, Direktur BBM BPH Migas Sentot Harijady Bradjanto Tri Putro menyampaikan bahwa telah dibentuk Tim Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Pengawasan dan Monitoring BBM. Adapun tugas Satgas ini antara lain, melaksanakan monitoring kuota BBM JBT dan JBKP di seluruh wilayah NKRI, dan melakukan mitigasi pencegahan over kuota JBT dan JBKP, terutama pada wilayah dengan potensi penyalahan, seperti wilayah pertambangan, port, dan/atau wilayah dengan kuota yang besar.
"One of the outputs of the Task Force is to analyze monitoring of realization and mitigate over quota," explained Sentot.
Meanwhile, the Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Alfian Nasution said, this sharing session was carried out to increase understanding regarding the supervision and projection of JBT and JBKP demand/quote.
"We improve on supervision. So, we will close the gaps based on the findings," he concluded.
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