JAKARTA - Aquaproof leaky anti-layer paint provides anti-rembes and decorative protection with various attractive color choices. As the pioneer of leaky anti-covering paint that is already popular and used by the people of Indonesia, Aquaproof continues to innovate to meet the needs of its loyal consumers.
The touch of innovation is not only present in products, features and designs, but is also presented through a new color embedding to provide a decorative touch to the dwelling. In mid-2023, Aquaproof has released three new colors again.
This time, the manufacturer of Indonesian original building chemicals, which has been around for more than 35 years, chose the colors of Abu Lava 063, Abu Grafit 064 and Merah Delima 045 as a complement to the existing colors. This new color has started to be marketed in June 2023 in 1 kg, 4 kg and 20 kg packaging sizes.
"We always observe trends and changes that occur and pay attention to consumer needs, especially regarding the use of anti leaking coating paint. Aquaproof products innovation will always be present to answer that need and make Aquaproof a trendsetter in its industry. On June 1, 2023, we launched three new colors of Aquaproof paint, namely the colors of Abu Lava 063, Abu Graphite 064 and Red Delima 045. The colors of ash are popular colors, in demand by homeowners whose use is for various exterior areas, such as expos walls and home facilities If k," said Chandra Kurniawan, Marketing Manager of PT Adhi Cakra Utama Mulia, in his statement, Tuesday 27 June.
"We look around, we can easily find the presence of ash color on the exterior paint of the house. The Aquaproof, which previously had a Abu-abu color variant of 061 and Abu Muda 062, adds two other gray colors namely Abu Lava 063 and Abu Graphite 064 so that the home owner can adjust the choice of coatings applied, from old gray to young gray or maybe which he wants to combine. In addition to the ash color, Aquaproof also launched the Red Delima color, a red color that is brighter and brighter than the previous Aquaproof red color series, this color is also still close to the tile color so that its use is suitable for application to the wuwungan. In addition, of course, this Delima 045 Red Aquaproof also looks beautiful when applied to the outer wall of the house," he added. In addition to enriching its color choice, Aquaproof as a pioneer of anti leaking coating in Indonesia has been known to have a quality consistency. For more than 35 years loyal to protect Indonesian family homes, Aquaproof is believed to be a reliable effective so-luminosity to prevent and overcome leaky and rembes problems.
Aquaproof offers convenience in the application of anti leaking coating paint so that not only repairmen, but the owner of the house can also apply this paint easily, using a brush or roll. For optimal results, Aquaproof application does not require mixing other components such as water. With a synthetic elastomeric polymer formula, Aquaproof has excellent cover power (coverage) which is also elastic so that buildings are not easily cracked and can be strongly attached, lasting for more than 7 years.
When choosing properly leaky anti-covery paint products to protect walls, especially outer walls and roofs prone to rainwater, home owners can also increase the aesthetics and comfort of the house with the choice of colors that Aquaproof provides. To date, Aquaproof has more than 24 color choices that can be purchased in traditional building shops and modern building stores. Aquaproof color selection can also be seen on the website www.aquaproof.co.id and the entire social media Aquaproof. In addition, home owners also don't have to worry about doing new building construction or renovation, because Aquaproof also provides free consulting services through WA Aquaproof Care 081919072121. Purchase services 24/7 can also be reached throughout the city in Indonesia through the Aquaproof Official online store in the marketplace or get Aquaproof products in the nearest building store," concluded Chandra Kurniawan.
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