JAKARTA The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) today symbolically handed over 226 hectares of BLBI confiscated assets worth IDR 1.8 trillion to 14 ministries/agencies (K/L) and 3 local governments (Pemda).

Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban said this step was an effort by the government to handle, resolve, and restore state rights that had been in arrears from obligors/debtors for more than 20 years.

"Everything comes from the management of the former National Bank Restructuring Agency and Bank Dalam Liquidation including Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance and property assets effectively and efficiently," he said on Tuesday, June 6.

Rionald detailed the status of use to 14 families/L, namely the Election Supervisory Agency, AGO, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of ATR/BPN, Indonesian National Police, State Intelligence Agency, Central Statistics Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Then, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the General Election Commission, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency, the Judicial Commission, the National Narcotics Agency, and the Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology.

"The total assets given to ministries/agencies are 84.7 hectares worth IDR 1.2 trillion spread across several cities and regencies in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, grants to local governments are the Banten Provincial Government, the West Java Provincial Government, and the Palembang City Government for assets with a total area of 142.1 hectares and a total value of IDR 639.4 billion.

"The assets donated to the West Java Provincial Government will be used for the construction of the West Java Creative Forest Ecotourism Area," he said.

Rionald added that the utilization of property assets in the form of grants and PSP is the government's effort to monetize the assets of the former BLBI, with the aim of the benefit of the community.

"This option can accelerate the construction of facilities and infrastructure for public services, because it is able to cut the land acquisition phase and increase cost saving," he asserted.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate also said that the management of ex-BLBI property assets in order to accelerate the settlement of ex-BLBI assets was part of accelerating the right to collect BLBI funds.

"For this reason, the BLBI Task Force will continue to intensify efforts to return state collection rights from debtors/obligors of ex-BLBI assets and ensure that obligors/debtors or any party do not take state rights," he said.

For information, until May 30, 2023, the BLBI Task Force has managed to record assets and PNBP with an asset of 3,980.6 hectares and an estimated value of Rp30.6 trillion.

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