The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to spur the competitiveness of the textile and textile product (TPT) industry in order to make a significant contribution to the national economy, one of which is by increasing the competence of human resources in the industrial sector through assessor training activities.

In the first quarter of 2023, it is known that the textile and clothing industry has contributed to the growth of the non-oil and gas processing industry by six percent.

"The TPT industry is one of the sectors that has priority development in accordance with the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap. Therefore, strategic efforts are needed for its development, such as through increasing the competence of its workforce," said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry Masrokhan in Jakarta, on Monday, May 15.

He said, in an effort to prepare competent industrial human resources (HR), strong competency infrastructure is needed, including the availability of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI), Professional Certification Institutions (LSP), Competency Assessors, and Competency Test Places (TUK).

"Complent human resources are an important component in driving a productive, innovative, and competitive industrial wheel," said Masrokhan.

Meanwhile, Head of the Arnes Industrial HR Education Center, Lukman, said that in order to achieve this target, BPSDMI consistently prepared the Competency Infrastructure Development program needed by the industrial sector through the implementation of the Assesor Education and Training.

"Some time ago, we had organized this activity in Solo to support the performance of the TPT industry," he said.

The Assesor Education and Training Center which focuses on textiles and textile products is held in collaboration with LSP P3 Garmindo Plus, LSP P3 Mode Indonesia, LSP P3 Tenun Indonesia, LSP P3 Batik, LSP P1 BDI Yogyakarta, LSP P1 Yogyakarta Polytechnic, and LSP P1 AK-Tekstil Solo.

"BPSDMI has coordinated with BNSP and has received BNSP approval regarding the Implementation of the 2nd Force Competency Asistance Training for 2023," he said.

During this training, participants are equipped with methodological competencies in planning activities and assessment processes, carrying out assessments, and contributing to the validation of the assessment.

After that, participants took part in the Assessment of Prospective Assessment to test their feasibility, so that they could be recommended as a competency assessor.

"Through this competency testing activity, the Ministry of Industry can produce reliable assessors in conducting competency testing, so that the quality of human resources in the textile and textile products industry is getting better," he concluded.

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