Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani took the time to wish her a happy National Education Day during her working visit to South Korea, today. According to him, the government has a high commitment to encouraging this sector to continue to develop.

"A nation that is advanced must of course have good and educated quality human resources," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, May 2.

The Minister of Finance explained that until the end of March 2023 the State Budget had realized Rp. 119.1 trillion as a priority budget for education.

This total allocation is channeled through ministry expenditure (K/L) of IDR 28.3 trillion for teaching salaries, Indonesian Smart scholarships, and School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds.

Then, through non-K/L spending of IDR 249.4 billion for 52,7000 Pre-Employment Card participants. Through TKD spending of IDR 75.5 trillion. Also, for the Endowment Fund, education is IDR 15 trillion.

The state treasurer also said that since 2009, the State Budget has allocated 20 percent of the total special budget for education.

"That is our commitment to continue to educate the nation's life. And we are aware that this goal will not be achieved without the support of adequate education," he said.

Therefore, the Minister of Finance invites all people to continue to move together, to celebrate independent learning.

Karena seperti dikatakan Bapak Pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Lawan Sastra Ngesti Mulya. Dengan pengetahuan kita menuju kejahatan. Selamat Hari Pendidikan Nasional. Incheon, 2 Mei 2023, tegas dia.

VOI noted that the total allocation of the education budget provided by the government in the 2023 State Budget Law was IDR 612 trillion. This figure is about 20 percent of this year's state expenditure which amounts to IDR 3,061.2 trillion.

Just so you know, the 2023 education budget is the largest in the history of the state budget to date.

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