Apart From Harun Masiku, The KPK Reveals That 4 Fugitives Are Still Being Sought
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that five suspects were on the wanted list (DPO). The search continues to be carried out to resolve the case that ensnared them.
This was conveyed by KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at the press conference 'KPK Leadership Performance for the 2019-2024 Period'. Apart from Harun Masiku, who is a former PDIP candidate who bribed former General Election Commission (KPU) Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan, it turned out that there was another name.
"Currently, the KPK is still searching for 1 DPO person in 2017 and 4 DPO people in 2020-2024," said Alexander at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 16.
Alexander said the five fugitives were Paulus Tannos who was a suspect in the corruption case of the e-KTP procurement project; Harun Masiku as a suspect in the interim bribery (PAW) case for members of the DPR RI; and Kirana Kotama who is a corruption suspect in the procurement of ships at PT PAL.
Then, there are also suspects in other cases who turned out to be on the wanted list. They are Emylia Said and Herwansyah who are husband and wife," said Alexander.
"(Both, red) suspects in the alleged criminal act of forgery of letters related to the case of the seizure of the rights of the heirs of PT Aria Citra Mulia and entering the DPO in 2022," he explained.
For information, the bribery and gratification case related to the seizure of the heirs of PT Aria Citra Mulia (ACM) ensnared the Head of the Criminal Application Subdivision and Human Rights of the Legal Application Section at the Legal Aid Bureau of the Legal Division of the National Police Headquarters, Bambang Kayun. Meanwhile, Emylia Said and Herwansyah have not been charged as givers.
"The whereabouts of the person concerned were last detected in Singapore if I'm not mistaken," said Alexander.
"Yes, of course, we will definitely coordinate with the authorities in the country which we suspect they (Emilya and Herwansyah, ed) are in the country," he concluded.