Tragic, Wife In Bogor Found Dead And Husband Hanged Himself
A husband and wife were found dead in their house, Curug Village, Jasinga District, Sunday 6 August. Her husband was found in a pathetic condition, hanging himself. When found, both of them had lost their lives. The wife, MH (46) lying on the floor, while her husband, MI (52), died by hanging himself. Head of Curug Village, Aton confirmed that two of her residents who died at the same time. "So, we received a report at 09.30 WIB from the cadre, which shocked the two of them to be found dead at their home," he explained, Monday, August 7. He himself did not expect this incident. The reason is, his wife works as a village midwife who has served for up to 30 years in Curug Village.. "For the motive, I don't know yet, because her husband's daily life doesn't know his work and is often at home," he said. The two victims were immediately buried by his family. The female victims were buried in his homeland in Jakarta. In contrast to her husband who was buried in Curug Village.
The head of the Curug Health Center, Transferri Yuliadi, also did not expect the incident that happened to his officers. The reason is, it is not known that there was a problem at the workplace of the victim who became the midwife. "At work, the person is also cheerful, outgoing and diligent," said Diri. Finally, the victim carried out counseling to the village with other officers last Saturday. Jasinga Police Chief, AKP Dedy Hermawan admitted that he was still investigating the motive for the incident. However, the family refused to do an autopsy on the victim's body.