10 Foods That Can Invite Rats To Hire In The Kitchen

YOGYAKARTA Did you know that there is food that can invite rats to come to the kitchen area of the house if the food storage is not done properly and correctly. Tikus who come to the kitchen area will trigger the kitchen to become dirty and have the potential to become a disease nest.

Foods that can provoke mice can plant or animalize. Here are some foods that are liked by mice.

Tikus really likes all types of meat, ranging from chicken, goat, or cow meat, both processed and raw. Usually the owner of the house stores fresh meat in the freezer so it doesn't provoke the arrival of the rats. Sometimes what invites mice is food remains in the form of meat whose disposal is not noticed. The aroma of meat can be smelled by rats remotely.

All sweet foods inviteAUs and ants. These foods can be in the form of snacks or other foods such as cakes,LAWs, and so on. It is recommended to pay attention to the storage of sweet foods, namely by placing them in a closed area. It can also be stored in a packed box. Sweet food ingredients can also invite the arrival of mice.

Tikus really like nuts and other types of seeds such as almonds, corn, and so on, whether processed or not. Try to store nuts and seeds in a closed and dry place to maintain their hygiene.

Animal foods such as dogfood or catfood are also very popular with rats, both wet and dry. Usually, pet foods left in the bowl will host the arrival of rats. It is recommended to be diligent in cleaning animal food places.

Tikus are all-eating animals, so that mainly rotten fruit and vegetables will provoke the arrival of mice. It is recommended not to throw fruit or vegetables carelessly in the kitchen area. You can dispose of organic waste by processing it into fertilizer.

The smell of dried fish is so strong that it is easy for the rats to smell. It is recommended to store dried fish in a food storage box.

It is recommended not to throw away processed egg foods carelessly. The illegal flavored egg processing also triggers the arrival of mice. In contrast to raw chicken eggs that do not emit odors so that they can be stored in a slightly open place. However, it is recommended to store eggs in the refrigerator to keep them sterile when cooked.

Like eggs, foods that come from processed milk such as cheese will bring rats into the kitchen, whether processed into finished food or still in the form of cheese.

Have you ever had a sausage that was still wrapped in plastic with a hole? It could be that the condition was caused by a mouse. Sharp rat teeth will shoot plastic sausage wrappers very easily. Therefore, it is recommended not to carelessly store or dispose of sausages, both raw and processed.

Don't throw away the rest of the food in the form of fish carelessly. The smell of fish water is very easy to smell. You can throw fish processed into the trash that is outside or buried in the garden.

That's information about food that can invite mice. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.