Improve Kratom Commercial Governance, Moeldoko Supports BRIN To Conduct Thorough Research
JAKARTA - The management of the krotom commodity trading in Indonesia is still not running yet. Even though the plant, which has the Latin name Mitgyna Speciosa, has extraordinary economic value, which can provide a livelihood for the community, especially in West Kalimantan. Dr. Moeldoko, the Presidential Chief of Staff, encouraged the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to carry out research on Kratom, so that it can become the basis for determining its trade system policies.
Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, said that currently the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is completing research on circumstellar plants. Starting from aspects of its content, ecological, to socio-economics. Later the results of the research will become the basis for the government to establish policies on the management of the krotom trading.
"With this research from BRIN, we will have certainty where the position of the krotom is, so that later we can determine policies regarding the composition of the krotom trade," said the Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, after receiving BRIN's arrival, at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Thursday, August 3.
According to Moeldoko, currently the management of the krotom trading does not run optimally because there is no clarity about the position of the krotom. Both in terms of content, ecology, and socio-economics. For this reason, he emphasized the need for BRIN to conduct thorough research, including mitigating the negative impact of the plant which has the Latin name Mitrayna Speciosa.
"After this thorough research is carried out and the results are known, we (KSP) will conduct joint discussions with various parties including the Ministry of Health, BPOM, BNN and others to formulate the position of the krotom, so that it can be immediately reported to the President," explained Moeldoko.
"The state has a high responsibility for the sustainability of the fate of the Karantom farmers in West Kalimantan," he added.
On that occasion, the 2013-2015 TNI Commander reiterated that the krotom commodity has extraordinary economic potential. The commodity of Indonesian crotoms is urgently needed by 15 million Americans. For this reason, he continued, it is the state's obligation to think about the fate of krotom farmers, especially in West Kalimantan.
As is known, BRIN's arrival at the Presidential Staff Office was to report the progress of research on Kratom. BRIN Deputy Development Policy, Dr. Mego Pinandito, said that research was carried out thoroughly, and involved various parties including the community.
When asked when the research target for krotoms could be released, Mego Pinandito said as soon as possible. "So that it can immediately become the basis for making regulations on crotoms," he said after meeting with the Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko.