MUI In The Near Future Announces New Chairman To Replace Miftachul Akhyar Who Becomes Rais Aam PBNU

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has confirmed that in the near future it will decide on a new definitive chairman to replace Miftachul Akhyar who resigned in March 2022.

"In the shortest possible time, in the near future. God willing, the general chairman will definitively be decided at the MUI plenary meeting," said Deputy Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 2, quoted by Antara.

Miftachul Akhyar previously submitted his resignation from the position of General Chair of MUI after being elected Rais Aam PBNU.

Miftachul was asked not to hold concurrent positions and focus on building an organization during the al-halli wal aqdi (Ahwa) 34th PBNU Congress.

According to Zainut, MUI Secretary General Amirsyah Tambunan has reported the process of changing the MUI Ketum in the MUI Advisory Council Meeting.

Later, the leadership council will hold a plenary meeting with the MUI deliberation board to ratify the new Ketum. According to him, a plenary meeting will be held in the near future.

"Later, the results will be submitted to the plenary meeting of the deliberative council and it will be held in the shortest possible time," said Zainut.

Asked about the emergent candidates, Zainut did not talk much, only saying that the change of the new chairman of MUI would follow according to the mechanism in force at the institution.

"Yes, we follow the organizational mechanism that has been determined at MUI. I think we cannot be separated from it," he said.

From the information circulating, PBNU Deputy Rais Aam Anwar Iskandar is said to be a strong candidate to replace Miftachul Akhyar.