Ministry Of Social Affairs Follows The Legal Process Of KPK Examination On Rice Social Assistance
The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) confirmed that it would follow the legal process in connection with the summoning of examinations of a number of employees by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) related to rice social assistance (bansos).
"We are following the legal process. This means that yesterday's friends who were called, we will just direct them, tell them what they are," said the Daily Executive (Plh) Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Robben Rico as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.
Robben, Director General of Social Security Protection, who oversees his members who are being investigated, said the Ministry of Social Affairs is trying to help the KPK's investigation so that the rice assistance corruption case is completed and no longer a burden from the ministry.
In addition, Robben emphasized that according to the direction of the KPK, the employees involved in the case had been transferred and were not based at the center.
"So the one who is called there is now according to his position," said Robben.
Previously, the KPK examined witnesses in the case of distributing social assistance to Beneficiary Families (KPM) for the Family Hope Program (PKH) in 2020 at the Ministry of Social Affairs on Tuesday (1/8).
The examination was carried out at the KPK building, namely the Acting Director of Social Security at the Ministry of Social Affairs Faisal, the Directorate of Social Security of the Ministry of Social Affairs Keukeu Komarawati, and the Civil Servant of the Directorate of Social Security Irwan Prabowo.