In Order Not To Be Offended, Here Are 6 Ways To Convey Constructing Criticism To Couples
YOGYAKARTA Providing constructive criticism requires skills, especially those that can foster growth in a romantic relationship. That way, everyone who is paired can improve themselves together without being offended. This also shows that your relationship with your partner has increased. For this reason, it is important to learn how to convey constructive criticism so that your partner is not offended and mutual trust is maintained. Here's how you can do it.
In delivering criticism, it needs to be objective. For that, write all the points you thought about before, It also helps you not to be nervous and talk negative words that offend your partner.
After determining what you want to say, you can be selected first. Add one sugar spoon so that your partner doesn't feel attacked. Use a little praise and know very well the reason your partner should be better.
Chat calmly can be difficult because you need to control your emotions first. Especially when criticizing your partner, if you lose patience can cause an argument. It is also important to recognize your partner's emotions, if you are not in a calm state, it is better to postpone them until their emotions subside.
Speaking honestly may be more meaningful. But you have to choose the word right. Don't be outspoken but seem rude, choose sweet, subtle words, but touch on the target. Don't forget, keep the chat atmosphere light.
When you give constructive criticism, they usually show their shortcomings. If the atmosphere is not brought lightly, it can weaken the spirit of your partner. So in addition to being conveyed lightly, make your partner feel better about themselves. That way he is able to do better.
Conveying criticism, especially to your partner, it's best to convey it alone. Also consider, don't say when you're stressed or have a bad day. So, choose a neutral time but avoid before bed or before eating.
Criticism will be more acceptable if you are also open to criticism. The way to do it, you can write each one about three things you want to change. By showing each other these notes, it makes your partner open to accepting them. This can be a good practice, launching Lovepanky, Monday, July 31, because it has fostered an open communication culture without quarrels but more love.
If there seem to be a lot of things you want to criticize, try starting to select and reflect. Why? Because there's not much you can change. You can't change everything from your partner, sometimes you just need to accept it. But when it comes to building, give your partner the opportunity to keep developing by giving good criticism.
The last recommendation, in a pairwise relationship requires positive communication. This includes conveying constructive criticism, which needs to be done with a full of love, honesty, and maintaining trust.