Two Years, Central Java Provincial Government Raises 13,302 Honorary Teachers To Become PPPK Workers

A total of 13,302 non-permanent teachers (GTT) SMA/SMK/SLB both public and private, were successfully appointed as Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). This number is recruitment in 2021 phase 1 and stage 2, and in 2023.

Of this number, 8,812 are public school GTTs. Meanwhile, the total GTT for SMA/SMK/SLB in 2020 is 12,777 people.

Head of the Central Java Province Education and Culture Office, Uswatun Hasanah, said that for equivalent public high schools, in the 2021 PPPK appointment phase 1, there were 5,116 teachers, stage 2 PPPK there were 744 people, and PPPK in 2023 there were 2,952 teachers.

"Thus, the total GTT of public schools included in the PPPK is 8,812 people," he said Tuesday, July 25.

Currently, there are only 3,965 teachers left on state equivalent high school honorary teachers. He estimates that the remaining number of teachers may be filtered to become PPPK staff but gradually. "It could be next year, next year again until next year again. Hopefully, it won't take too long for all of our GTT to be raised," he said.

The Head of Manpower of the Central Java Province Education and Culture Office, Nasikin, added that for non-permanent employees (PTT) of SMA/SMK/SLB, the total was 8,531 people. With the number of PTTs that entered the PPPK in 2021 phase 1 as many as 117 people. And, PPPK in stage 2 as many as 18 people. The total remaining PTT is currently 8,396 people.

He said the high need for teachers in Central Java was the thing behind the government intensively making PPPK selections. Given, education is an important thing to create a golden generation.

"Our teachers who are civil servants, this is not enough to fulfill a total of 640 public schools, be it SMA, SMK, or SLB. So to fulfill that in 2020 there will be a lot of GTT. Because there is no appointment of civil servants for teachers. So GTT supports education," he said.

In 2021 until 2022, explained Nasikin, there will be the appointment of ASN from PPPK. GTTs are competing to participate in the selection to become PPPK. With the hope that if accepted into PPPK, there will be an increase in welfare.

Seeing the number of existing teachers, he said that macroly the need for educators in Central Java for SMA/SMK and State SLB was sufficient. Therefore, there is no plan to add teachers.

"The calculation of teaching hours from 24 hours to 40 hours with the total number of PPPK teachers plus our number of civil servants has reached 35 thousand teachers with ASN status," explained Nasikin.

Of that number, his party has calculated the number of hours throughout Central Java, meaning that it is still in the range of 31-32 hours per week. "This means that this figure is still at the range of the number of teaching hours according to Permendikbud number 15 of 2018 which is 24 hours to 40 hours/week," he concluded.