Online Taxi Driver Killer In Semarang Arrested In Karanganyar

SEMARANG - The police arrested the robber who killed Fauzi Aribammar (28), an online taxi driver in Semarang City who fled to Karanganyar Regency after taking action.

Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar said the suspect BWK (28) was arrested while taking the victim's car away to his place of origin in Karanganyar Regency.

The robbery incident that killed a resident of Palebon, Pedurungan, Semarang City began when the perpetrator ordered an online taxi around the Semarang Java Mall.

The suspect Bawang asked to be escorted to the Mugasari area, Semarang City.

"While in Mugas, the perpetrator stabbed the victim using the knife he had brought," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25.

From the suspect's statement, the robbery was deliberately carried out because it was desperate for economic needs.

The perpetrator admitted that he needed money to pay for his sister's lecture in Bandung.

The perpetrator deliberately ordered an online taxi randomly to be confiscated by his car.

From the suspect's statement, the stabbing had to be carried out because the victim resisted when he was being held at gunpoint and asked to hand over his vehicle.

The stolen car is planned to be sold online via social media at a price of between Rp. 15 million and Rp. 20 million to sell quickly.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding theft and or Articles 338 and 340 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.