PDIP Will Meet With The Chairman Of The DKI DPRD, Discuss The Proposal For The JIS Special Committee

JAKARTA - Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Dwi Rio Sambodo, said that his faction would meet with the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, to discuss the proposal for the formation of a special committee (pansus) investigating the problems in the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). Rio admitted that the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD had sent a letter to Prasetyo and this meeting was scheduled to be held this afternoon. "The PDIP faction has submitted a proposal letter to the chairman of the DPRD regarding the JIS Special Committee. Later, "Maybe he met me to ask for a verbal explanation," said Rio when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday, July 25. "If later the chairman of the DKI DPRD approves the PDIP proposal to form a JIS special committee, the faction leaders will delegate their faction members to become members of the special committee. "Yesterday we tried to communicate with several DPRD members, related to technical objects, the realization of product results from the JIS development plan," Rio explained. Later, Rio revealed that PDIP will explain the urgency of forming the JIS Special Committee. This urgency is associated with a shortage in the function of the stadium and its infrastructure. Improvement of JIS, according to Rio, is important because this international standard stadium is used by the government as one of the options for the U-17 World Cup venue next November, to the public's desire for JIS to become the home base of Persija Jakarta club. "We are now faced in the space of time about, for example, "The issue of preparing for the U-17 world trophy, then regarding the issue of Persija's home base which has not been permanent at JIS," explained Rio. Referring to Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, the special committee is regulated in Article 114 and Article 115. Provisions, the special committee was formed in a plenary meeting on the proposal of DPRD members. The number of members of the special committee is set to be at most 25 people. The special committee members consist of members consisting of related commission members proposed by each faction. However, before the proposal for this special committee was officially submitted, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, had questioned the urgency. The proposal for the JIS Special Committee was submitted by a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD because he assessed that the construction of JIS proved problematic after the emergence of clarification from Buro Happold. Buro Happold emphasized that his party was not asked to design a JIS stadium and had never designed this stadium. Buro Happold was only asked to make a design guide. However, the company's review results identified several aspects that did not match the original design concept guide from Buro Happold.

Prasetyo admitted that he could not immediately agree even though this proposal came from the same faction member as him. "As chairman of the DPRD, I oversee 9 factions. What are my friends proposing, you must also be able to consider. What is the urgency?" said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Wednesday, July 12.