Diet Fails Because It Is Difficult To Control Eating, Follow 8 Ways To Develop Self-Propatriation
YOGYAKARTA In developing self-control, good intentions are not enough. The reason is, such great desire and fragile establishment often make a person fail to carry out as planned. For that, a way of developing self-control is needed. Interested in trying it? Follow the following strategy.
The key to self-discipline is free but still responsible. This is proven in the context of dealing with stress. When you can take control of your desires, it will be easier for you to control your desire to eat. Not only eating, it can also be useful in controlling emotions or desires for bad things that can damage mental and physical health.
Having a goal is important, because it guides the Choice of Action. For example, make a specific goal, not 'being healthy' but aiming to shape a habit of at least 30 minutes every day. Launching Shahram Heshmat, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Monday, July 17, in pursuing goals, effectively setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based goals.
Monitoring of yourself or self-monitories is important in order to concentrate on activities relevant to your goals. Diet actors who successfully calculate calories and carefully monitor food intake. Stop monitoring, can damage dietary efforts and are much more difficult to change habits better.
The more you want a goal, the more likely you are to be willing to achieve it. You know, people's commitment to something depends on the value of the goal for them. If the goal value is zero, then there will be no motivation to pursue the goal.
People won't build much motivation for change if they believe it's impossible for them. In the face of difficulties, weak confidence easily develops doubts about a person's ability to complete tasks. Therefore, strengthen confidence in continuing your business, overcome difficulties, and achieve goals.
Determination represents the strength and psychological energy used to fight temptation so that it can achieve its goals. Self-control, depending on strength or energy. If you have one goal, it will be easier to achieve than having two or more.
Avoiding temptation requires anticipation of situations where unwanted desires may arise and take proactive steps if there is a desire to give up. For example, if you are often tempted by certain foods, make anticipation that is healthier and continue to run your diet program.
A person's behavior will pattern. To control yourself, it is important to recognize your pattern of behavior. For example, recognizing things that can complicate plans for failure related to your behavior. By being recognized, it means that it can be anticipated and even avoided.
Those are eight ways to develop self-control. This can not only be applied to diet programs. But also other habits, such as morning arms, not staying up late, to managing a non-adverse anger.