In The Aftermath Of The PPSU Case Forced To Debt, The DKI Inspectorate Checks The Camat To The Kelapa Gading Village Head
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Inspectorate is still investigating the case of Public Infrastructure and Facilities Handling officers (PPSU) being forced to apply for online loans (loans) for their superiors.
Assistant for Government Affairs of the Regional Secretariat of DKI Jakarta Sigit Wijatmoko said that the examination was carried out by summoning not only PPSU superiors, but also West Kelapa Gading Village Head and Kelapa Gading Sub-district Head.
"All of them were summoned. Not only the officers, but also the head of the sub-district section who has been summoned, the village head, the sub-district has been summoned," said Sigit at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, July 17.
Sigit said there were sanctions for deactivation to PPSU superiors who served as section heads in Kelapa Gading Barat Village. This sanction refers to Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.
"If the mechanism is of course in accordance with Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010, there will be a temporary suspension for examination and that is no longer a new thing for the Provincial Government. (The sanctions) are given directly to the superior. The head of the sub-district section, at the city level," explained Sigit.
Then, during the ongoing investigation, the Inspectorate also wanted to dig up how many PPSUs were victims, to find out the root of the problem to prevent similar cases from happening again.
"We want to get the full details, including usually how they do it, look for candidates, we will study that. So that when we make a regulation or technical instructions, we can make sure this doesn't happen again," he explained.
Previously, a PPSU officer in Kelapa Gading named Maulana expressed his concern because he was asked to borrow from the loan application with his personal data by his superiors.
Maulana has experienced this loan coercion since January 2022. Maulana does not know the reason why the village staff asked Maulana and a number of her PPSU colleagues to borrow.
After being disbursed, the loan was immediately handed over to his superior. The value borrowed was different between Maulana and several of his colleagues. According to Maulana, officers whose performance was considered problematic were asked for larger loan money.