West Java Metropolitan Tambourine Area Claimed To Be Able To Absorb 4.49 Million Workers

BANDUNG - The Metropolitan Tambourine Area, which is being developed by the West Java Provincial Government (West Java Provincial Government), will be able to absorb 4.49 million workers, if the development goes well.

Tambourine will be the future for West Java's economy to support industrial estates currently running in Bekasi and Karawang.

This tambourine is supported by seven regencies and cities with complete support from the regulatory side, regional RDTR (Detailed Spatial Plan), and infrastructure.

"From all sides, the Tambourine is complete," said Head of the One Stop Integrated Licensing Office (DPMPTSP) of West Java Province, Nining Yuliastiani, in Bandung as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 15.

This Metropolitan Tambourine is a special economic development area that is located in the north/northeast of West Java Province which includes seven regions, namely Sumedang, Majalengka, Cirebon, Subang, Indramayu, and Kuningan, as well as Cirebon City.

If the plan goes well, by 2030, the Tambourine area will be able to absorb 4.49 million workers and economic growth in West Java will soar to 7.16 percent while investment will increase by 7.7 percent from the current conditions.

The inauguration of the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll Road on July 11, 2023 and the operation of West Java International Airport in Kertajati, Majalengka Regency in full in October 2023 will further facilitate access to transportation to the West Java Tambourine industrial area.

Access to national roads, provinces, toll roads, air to sea through Patimban Port, Subang Regency has made the West Java Tambourine industrial area the prima donna of investment.

Nining Yuliastiani said that 28 industries have realized or have been running and seven investments are in progress and will be fully operational in 2024.

Then 11 other industries entered into planning, in the sense that they already have land and live in the cities and regencies of Cirebon, Indramayu Regency, Majalengka Regency, Kuningan Regency, and Subang Regency.

Nining explained, there are 13 Industrial Designation Areas (KPI) that have been prepared and are a priority in the Tambourine area, namely in the Cipali area of West Subang (10,408 hectares), Kertajati (1,415 hectares), Butom (4,092 hectares), Cipali Indramayu (2,875 hectares), Tukdana (563 hectares) Krangkeng (3,452 hectares), Patrol (4.14 hectares) and Balongan (2,122 hectares).

Then Cipali Subang Timur (4.806 hectares), Patimban (542 hectares), Losarang (6,710 hectares), Jatiwangi (972 hectares) and Cirebon (1,815 hectares).

Development is not only in the development of the manufacturing industry, but also other supporting industries such as accommodation to leisure in accordance with the criteria and potential of each region that has KPI.

For example, Kuningan Regency will become the center of the future tourism industry in the Tambourine area.

According to Nining, the 13 KPIs are mostly in Indramayu. On the other hand, there are many challenges that must be resolved in Indramayu and other areas such as improving the quality of human resources, poverty alleviation, and reducing unemployment.

"Currently it seems that it is getting better, both the economic aspect, as well as the absorption of labor to the quality of human resources. For human resources, it will be more advanced with the ITB campus and Cirebon Police with a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of Tambourine," said Nining.

In addition to investors who built the Tambourine, the government also continues to support the development of 81 basic infrastructures in the Tambourine area worth Rp234.59 trillion.

Priority one will be tried to complete in 2024 with 37 projects worth IDR 30.9 trillion. The rest will be completed until 2030, including building the Cirebon Raya Regional SPAM, the Cipali exit Patimban Subang to the Wado hydropower plant.

"From P1, two infrastructure projects have been completed, nine projects are under construction, and the other nine are ready to be built and 15 are in the preparation stage projects. If everything is finished, investors will come to Tambourine", said Nining.

The West Java DPMPTSP has carried out a roadshow meeting with seven regional heads within the Tambourine area and all of them are committed to an active role in the development of the Tambourine economy.

In addition, the West Java DPMPTSP will also hold business matching in the West Java and West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) industrial forums. In the near future, next August, WJIS will be held again.

"One of our ways to attract investors is through WJIS. This year will take place on August 9, 2023," he said.