SAR Still Struggles To Put Out Factory Fires Containing 50,000 Tons Of Paper In Kudus
The joint SAR team is still struggling to extinguish the fire of a paper factory on Jalan Kudus-Pati, Terban Village, Jekulo District, Kudus, Central Java (Central Java).
The Head of the Task Force for the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kudus Regency, Mundir, said officers in the field were still struggling to suppress the red rooster, even though the fire could be controlled.
Mundir explained that the fire at the Enggal Subur Paper Factory was expected to occur on Friday, July 14 at 23.00 WIB. As of Saturday, July 15 morning, the effort to extinguish the fire was still ongoing.
When the fire broke out, fire engines, beating cars and three spare cars were deployed.
Meanwhile, the private sector also helped, starting from the PT Djarum fire team, PT Pura and the PMI Kudus tank car.
Fire Chief Firefighter PT Djarum Kudus Hardi Cahyana added that the joint SAR team was still struggling to extinguish the fire so as not to reappear.
This is because in the paper factory the information is that there are 50,000 tons of paper ready to be sent.
In addition to deploying a fleet of fire engines, the joint SAR team also deployed permanent pumps to help supply water in extinguishing the fire.
Terban Village Head Supeno said there were four houses behind the factory. He hopes that the fire will not reappear and widen so that residents' houses are not affected.
"Hopefully it doesn't catch fire. For temporary monitoring, it's safe," he said.