Through The ASEAN Energy Business Forum, ACE Supports The ASEAN Energy Sector And The Chairmanship Of Indonesia To Accelerate Energy Connectivity

JAKARTA - The ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia will hold the ASEAN Energy Business Forum 2023 (AEBF). With the theme "Accelerating Energy Connectivity to Achieve ASEANs Sustainable Growth", this event will be held on August 24-26 2023 in Bali, Indonesia.

AEBF aims to gather stakeholders from ASEAN to discuss and work together in accelerating energy connections for the growth of the energy sector in ASEAN.

Jisman P. Hutajulu, Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Senior Official on Energy (SOE) Leader of Indonesia explained, Indonesia understands the importance of regional cooperation in achieving energy sustainability in the future. This AEBF is a forum for stakeholders to jointly discuss important topics, such as electric vehicles, sustainable fuel, and energy guarantees.

"Along with the development of the energy transition, we hope to exchange ideas and carry out the best practices with ASEAN countries and other countries, while trying to show Indonesia's efforts and potential in the energy sector. AEBF events are also held in conjunction with the Green Transport Rally (GTR) which will showcase electric vehicles in Indonesia while highlighting Indonesia's initiative to adopt green transportation options," he said in a written statement, Thursday, July 6.

Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE emphasized ACE's full commitment to support Indonesia as Chair of ASEAN this year, especially in the energy sector.

ACE is fully committed to supporting Indonesia's Chairship in ASEAN and AEBF in line with the themes it presents. This forum provides an important platform in discussing critical energy issues and collaborating with stakeholders, including in contributions to growth and development in ASEAN. By facilitating productive dialogue, exchange of insight, and cooperation development, AEBF supports Indonesia's efforts to display ASEAN's potential energy and encourage regional energy cooperation," said Nuki.

Complementing the AEBF series of events, there is a Green Transport Rally (GTR) which directly supports the theme ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth, Dr. Nuki explained that GTR encourages awareness of the choice of sustainable mobility, which is important for the growth and development of ASEAN.

"By uniting GTR to AEBF, ACE actively contributes to focusing on sustainable transportation in the region and highlighting innovative solutions that can support ASEAN growth," he said.

GTR is expected to increase environmental awareness and energy efficiency in electric vehicles, by displaying vehicle types such as plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs), hybrid EVs (HEVs), full battery powered EVs, ICE with biofuels, and fuel cell vehicles.

Furthermore, the implementation of the AEBF also coincides with the 41st ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) and the 3rd ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (AICEE), to strengthen its impact and significance. The unification of these conferences provides a more comprehensive platform for dialogue, building relations, and cooperation efforts to strengthen ASEAN's position as a dynamic and influential region in the global energy landscape.

Through AEBF and GTR, ACE actively supports the chairmanship of Indonesia and contributes to the progress of the ASEAN growth agenda. By encouraging cooperation, promoting sustainable practice, and displaying innovative solutions, ACE aims to explore the huge energy potential in ASEAN, encourage inclusive economic growth, and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for this region as a growth center that there is no doubt.

AEBF also held prestigious events, namely the Awarding Ceremony of ASEAN Energy Awards and the Gala Dinner which acknowledged and appreciated industry players for their contribution to the development of the energy sector. This award ceremony will be attended by 10 ASEAN Ministers of Energy enlivened by the performance of Balinese dance and famous Indonesian singers.

Registrasi untuk AEBF sudah dibuka dan dapat diaksesi di situs Event ini terbuka untuk semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pemerintahan, pelaku industri, akademisi, asosiasi, dan media, untuk terlibat dalam dialog-dialog yang akan menguntungkan sektor energi ASEAN.