Regarding Sea Sand Exports, Ministry Of Trade: Not Opened Yet
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has ensured that until now the government has not opened the tap for sea sand exports. Although Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of sedimentation Results in the Sea has been issued.
Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade Budi Santoso said that the management of marine sedimentation was carried out to meet domestic needs.
Until now, it is still prohibited according to the Minister of Trade, it is still prohibited. If Government Regulation Number 26 of 2023 means that it is permissible, if domestic needs are met. But there are no technical rules yet," he told reporters, Thursday, July 6.
Furthermore, Budi said that currently the government is also conducting a study on the use of marine sand in the country. However, he said, there has been no discourse on exporting because there is no interest in that direction.
Budi also said sea sand exports would continue to be banned as long as the regulation of the minister of trade (Pemendang) on the sale of these commodities has not been changed.
"Yes, it's not allowed, the Permendag must be changed first. Before it is changed, it is still not allowed to export," he explained.
For your information, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has just issued Government Regulation No. 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentary Results in the Sea. One of the highlights of the PP is the allowing sea sand exports.
Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that sea sand exports could be carried out on condition that the sand was the result of sedimentation and domestic needs had been met.
"This is a government regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of sedimentation Results in the Sea, the goal is to meet domestic reclamation needs, that there are remaining to be taken abroad, go ahead if the study team says that this sedimentation is permissible (export), please," Trenggono said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.
As for the future, in the process of utilizing the results of sea sand sedimentation, a study team will determine, while in the process of extracting marine sand requires special techniques and technology so as not to damage corals or corals on the seabed.
"After the study team has formed, it is decided, please review it where the sedimentation in Indonesia and how many, it is allowed to be used (domestic needs and exports), sand extraction should not be arbitrary, insanely it should not be with special technology," he explained.