7 Tricks To Care For Barat Plants To Grow Fresh Again
YOGYAKARTA Many plants that seem dying can be saved with quick and effective action. Some even seem to die but can grow again freshly. How are the tricks to take care of dying plants growing fresh again? Here's what you can do.
Most of the plants that do not grow properly are due to improper care methods. The best chance to help plants grow back fresh is to find out what happened. If the leaves are overflowing and yellow, it indicates too much water. Different causes if the plants are dry, stems and brown leaves, this is because there is too little water. Well, if the leaves are charred and transparent, this means most or lack of sun exposure. If the leaves are deformed and there are bite marks, it could be due to leaf pests.
The second trick in caring for dying plants, cut all leaves and dead branches from dead plants. Get rid of all the fallen leaves. If you're not sure if the branches are dead, try a scratch test using nails to erode some of the outer layers of the skin. If you look at the green color inside, it's still alive and shouldn't be removed. Each green and flexible stem allows you to revive the plant.
Plant houses are a container or planting medium for the garden, so dig for evidence. If the soil is hard, dense, cracked and dry, maybe the problem is inadequate water. This kind of damage can be repaired quickly if you catch it on time.
It is very easy to hydrate dry plants. Pour water into plant pots until it flows free from the drainage hole at the bottom. After that, spray water on all the remaining stems and leaves. Plants require water intake through their leaves and roots.
If the container soil is wet when touched even though you haven't watered for a long time, the plant suffers from excess water caused by excessive watering or poor drainage. Stop watering immediately and let the soil dry up.
Small plant reservoirs require a disposal hole of at least 1 shot2 inches (1.2 cm) in diameter, while larger plant containers require a doubled size of holes. If your pot drainage is inadequate, it's time to transplant.
Some plants need direct sunlight, some indirect sunlight, and some shelters. If you're not sure what this plant likes, find out according to your plant type. Then move the plants to the appropriate location.
For some plants, getting enough water is not enough. Plants such as ferns require moisture to thrive. Well, humid spaces may not be owned by living rooms or other spaces in general. This can be completed quickly. Place a shallow pot filled with small rocks under the plant and add a little water. The water will evaporate and moisturize the air near the plant.
Over time the plant grew bigger from the pot. Even the roots come out of the container, this makes planting difficult to absorb water and nutrients. So, carefully remove the plant from the container. If there is more root than soil, it's time to move it to a bigger pot. Launching Gardening Know How, Tuesday, July 4, sometimes all it takes is a hassle to return fresh plants from dying.
It is important to understand that the above rescue steps may not be very successful because the plants have been dying for too long. However, that doesn't mean the plant that looks dying can't be treated at all. So, there's nothing wrong with trying the dying plant care trick described above.