Responding To Exceptions, Judge Asks Johnny G Plate To Trust The Judicial Process

JAKARTA - The chairman of the panel of judges, Fazhal Hendri, who tried the Johnny G Plate case, asked the former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) to trust the judicial process.

"We are from a judicial institution free from all these interests, if it is proven according to the law that you are guilty, we will be punished, but if the evidence is insufficient so that the defendant is not proven for the sake of the law, you will be released. So don't be influenced by the voices outside," said Chief Justice Fazhal Hendri, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.

According to Fazhal, currently there are many voices outside the trial, especially regarding Johnny Plate's position in the position of Minister of Communication and Information.

"One more thing I need to say, the message of the panel of judges on behalf of the panel of judges should not respond. If someone on behalf of the panel of judges is fake, the court is fair, don't want to be influenced by things outside the law," added Fazhal.

"Good, Your Honor," said Johnny G Plate.

In reading the objection note (exception), the legal advisor mentioned the 9 points requested by the judge.

"We ask Your Honor, the panel of judges at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court who examine and try this case is willing to give an intermediate decision on the first objection note to accept and grant the defendant's objection or exception note in its entirety," said legal adviser Ahmad Cholidin.

Second, stating that the indictment is null and void or at least declared unacceptable in its entirety.

"Third, declaring a criminal case on behalf of the defendant Johnny Gerard Plate cannot be further investigated. Recovering the defendant's right to position, ability and dignity as before," added Cholidin.

Fifth, ordered the public prosecutor to release Johnny G Plate from custody.

"Sixth, ordered the public prosecutor to open the blocking of all bank accounts in the name of the defendant and/or the wife of the defendant and/or family without exception," said Cholidin.

Seventh, ordered the public prosecutor to return all items or property belonging to the confiscated defendant related to this case without exception.

"The eight ordered the public prosecutor to carry out the decision of this case and charge the state with court fees," said Cholidin.

In this case, former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate was charged with alleged corruption in the provision of base transceiver station (BTS) infrastructure and supporters of Kominfo for the 2020-2022 period which cost the state finances Rp8,032,084,133,795.51.

In the indictment, it was also stated that a number of parties who benefited from the construction project, namely Johnny G. Plate received money amounting to Rp. 17,848,308,000, Anang Achmad Latif as the President Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI).

The power of Budget Users (KPA) received Rp5 billion; Yohan Suryanto as an expert on Human Development at the University of Indonesia (HUDEV UI) received Rp453,608,400.

Furthermore, Irwan Hermawan as Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy received Rp119 billion, Windi Purnama as Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera received Rp500 million Muhammad Yusrizki as Director of PT Basar Utama Prima received Rp50 billion.

Furthermore, 2.5 million US dollars, the FiberHome Consortium PT Telkominfra PT Multi Trans Data (PT MTD) for Packages 1 and 2 received Rp2,940,870,824,490, the Huawei SEI Crossarta Consortium for package 3 received Rp1,584,914,955 and the IBS Consortium and ZTE Packages 4 and 5 received Rp3,504,518,715,600.