A 10-year-old Boy Drowning In The Siak Riau River Found Dead

PeKANBARU - The Joint SAR team, on Tuesday 27 June found the body of Zahra (10) who was reported to have sunk by the Siak river current on Monday afternoon at around 16.00 WIB. "The team found that the victim died from a location of approximately 1 km reported to have drowned, we are also saddened," said Head of Pekanbaru Basarnas I Nyoman Sidakarya, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 27 June. I Nyoman Sidakarya said that after evacuating Zahra, the Joint SAR Team immediately took the victim to a funeral home. He explained, the joint SAR team conducted a search by combing the river into the upstream direction and by carrying out a dive around the location where the two victims were thought to have been washed away. "The incident was reported at coordinates of 0.32'33'.8" N 101.27'18.5", said Nyoman. "For the follow-up search update for victims who have not been found, namely Sofia (9), it is still in search of the Joint SAR Team," said Nyoman. Siak River is the deepest river in Indonesia which previously reached 30 meters, but due to its siltation now lives about 18 meters. It can be traversed by large ships such as tankers and container ships.

There are many factories in this river, including palm oil mills, wood processing plants and paper factories. Several major bridges were built to cross this river, including the Siak I Bridge, Siak II Bridge, Siak III Bridge, and Siak IV Bridge (Jembatan Leighton) which since 2011 and in 2019 have been inaugurated. in Pekanbaru City.