Knowing The Meaning Of Wukuf In Padang Arafah, Know The Law And Implementation Time

YOGYAKARTA Wukuf in Padang Arafah was carried out on the 9th of Dzulhijjah which is the peak of the pilgrimage in the holy land. Know the meaning of wukuf in the Arafah Field as the peak of the series of pilgrimages, methods, and times for its implementation below.

Launching the page of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Tuesday, June 27, wukuf in Padang Arafah is one of the pillars of the hajj, which is based on Abdurrahman al-Daili's history, without undergoing wukuf, Hajj is invalid, as is the following history of hadith:

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"Indeed Rasulullah saw. said abda; Hajj is wukuf in Arafah, so whoever has done the wif in Arafah before dawn, then he has really carried out the hajj" (HR Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah and others, hadith sahih).

For the time of implementation of wukuf, reported by the NU Online page, it is based on the hadith of the prophet narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah, Al-Hakim, Al-Baihaqi, and Ad-Dailami below:

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"From Abdurrahman bin Ya'mar ra's friends, I witnessed that the Prophet of Allah was visited by friends. They asked about the pilgrimage. The Prophet saw replied, 'Hajj is Arafah. Anyone who finds the night of Arafah before dawn Muzdalifah (Eid al-Adha night), then the pilgrimage is perfect,'" (HR Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah, Al-Hakim, Al-Baihaqi, and Ad-Dalami).

Through the results of the hadith of the prophet narrated above, Wukuf in Arafah was performed on the night before dawn Musdalifah night or the night of Eid al-Adha. The word wuhuf comes from Arabic wuququf with the root of the word waqafa means stop. The message in the meaning of the word, teaches humans to leave their world activities for a few hours in order to reflect on their identity.

The word 'arafah means 'up and running'. It is interpreted as obtaining a wisdom by physically stopping in Padang Arafah, then the souls of the pilgrims rise to meet Allah swt. That is the essence of wusuf in Padang Arafah. Wukuf in Padang Arafah also made a sense of yaumul Mahsayar, which when humans are asked to be held accountable for everything he has done while in the world.

The time for the wukuf implementation on 9 Dzuhijjah when the sun marks the middle of the day at 12 noon. Wukuf starts at dawn on the day of Nahar (the day of the slaughter of the sacrifice), on 10 Dzuhijjah.

Before wusuf, it was determined to take a shower first, because during wuskuf it was a worship that was carried out by many people so that it might be in touch with each other, so it was agreed to take a shower first, such as Friday worship and holiday prayers which were attended by many people. In Padang Arafah is a pilgrim dressed in white and white, praising, praying, while getting closer to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe.

Summarizing the Smart Book of Guidelines for Complete Muslim Worship by Muhammad Syukron Maksum as reported by CNN, the sunnah wusuf in a series of hajjes include:

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Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa syariika lah lauhl mulku wa lahul hamdu yhyii waquhiitu wa huwa'ala kulli syai-in qadiir. Meaning:

There is no God other than Allah, an One substance and no ally to Him. To Him all kingdoms and all praise. In His hands all goodness and He is Almighty over all things. (HR Ahmad)

That is the explanation of the meaning of wukuf in Padang Arafah, the way and time of implementation. Hopefully useful.