Pneumonia Infection, One Hajj Pilgrim From Aceh Dies In Mecca

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Hajj Organizing Officer (PPIH) of the Aceh Embarkation said a prospective Hajj member of the BTJ-03 Flying Group (Kloter) from West Aceh, Abdullah Meglih (82) died in Mecca, bringing the total to five people who died.

The head of the PPIH Embarkation Aceh Azhari in Banda Aceh, Sunday, said that the information on Abdullah Megawah's death was conveyed by the Indonesian Hajj Guide Team (TPHI) of the 03-BTJ Group, Marzuki through an online messaging application.

"Abdullah Meglih died in Saudi Arabia, Saturday, June 24, 2023, at 14.00 local time," said Azhari, Antara, June 25.

The pilgrims who hold the C89158667 passport come from Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh. He died at Heera Hospital, Mecca.

According to the death certificate (COD) issued by the Indonesian Hajj Health Office (KKHI) Mecca, Abdullah Meglih was diagnosed with septic shock caused by pneumonia infection (pulmonary mid-pulmonary infection).

Abdullah had previously been treated at Al Noer Hospital, Mecca, since Sunday (11/6). Then on Friday (16/6), he underwent treatment at Heera Hospital until he died.

Azhari said that the group officers together with the community had also carried out the fardu kiniyah process and the management of the bodies.

"The deceased will be buried in Syaraya. We pray that the deceased will be forgiven for all his sins and placed in the sight of Allah subhanahu wataala," said Azhari.

Azhari also said that the number of Acehnese hajj candidates who died in Saudi Arabia increased to 5 people.

Previously, Muhammad Yusuf Dadeh (70) from Lhokseumawe City, who was a member of the 04-BTJ group, died at the Madinah Almunawarah General Hospital, Medina, Sunday (4/6).

Then Marzuki bin Husen Hanafiah (70) from the 06-BTJ group from Bireuen Regency, died at KKHI Mecca, Wednesday (7/6). Furthermore, Razali bin Ibrahim Pekan (61) from the 08-BTJ group from North Aceh also died in Mecca on Friday (9/6).

And in Ahaf (18/6) Abdullah Ali (66) from the 11-BTJ group from Banda Aceh died at King Abdul Aziz Hospital, Mecca.*