6 Kelurahan Di Kota Bogor Jadi Pilot Project Bersih Narkoba

These six urban villages will become the pilot project of Bersinar Villages. It is hoped that the designated kelurahan will succeed in carrying out its stages and continue to follow its steps so that it can be duplicated and replicated other urban villages in Bogor City," said the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah, Thursday 22 June.Syarifah hopes not only six urban villages but all urban villages in Bogor City, but the limitations of the apparatus and the magnitude of energy needed so that for the initial stage one Bersinar Village is appointed as a pilot project in one sub-district. Based on data from the Bogor City Police, said Sekda, there is a kelurahan whose occurrence of drug cases is quite high, but it is not enough to be used as a Bersinar Village. The kelurahan as the closest spearhead in the smallest neighborhood becomes one of the basis for the formation of Bersinar Village as well as information funnels. Syarifah said, based on data as much as 70 percent of those affected by drugs are of productive age. As it is known that countries built by people at productive age and Indonesia are currently aggressively preparing to achieve Golden Indonesia in 2045 which requires mentally and physically strong and clean generation. The role of parents to participate in preventing or detecting family members. The last environment is a public environment that is outside of observation, "The limitations of the school environment, the environment and the environment of the information, time and the ability in supervision can be disasatied by involving many parties, including teachers, school friends by providing explanations related to the dangers of drugs early. For the home environment, the role of parents participates in preventing or detecting family members. The last environment is a public environment that is outside of observation," he said.

The development of information and existing IT is faced firmly by Syarifah, it needs to be studied so that all parties involved are able to know everything related to drugs, starting from the way they work, the distribution, type and use and equipment used. At the end of Syarifah urged the puskesmas to carry out treatment or rehabilitation for drug addicts. Meanwhile, the eradication will be carried out by the relevant authorities.