The Fall Of Lava Mount Karangetang, North Sulawesi, Leads To 3 Rivers

MANADO - Volcano Observation Post (PGA) said that the lava avalanche of Mount Karangetang in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi leads to three rivers whose water originates at the top of the mountain crater.

"The lava fall leads to the Batuawang, Kahetang, and West Beha rivers with varying sliding distances," said Head of PGA Karangetang Yudia Post P.Tatipang in Manado as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 19.

He mentioned that during the observation period at 00.00-06.00 WITA, it was visually foggy that Mount Karangetang with pressure crater smoke was being observed to be white with a thick intensity and a height of 50 meters above the crater peak.

The flames still visible approximately 10 meters inside the column pole of the main crater smoke column.

Lelehan lava lebih kurang turun kaca 25 kilometer, dan dari tip lemah/peak terjadi puliran lava injar ke arah sungai Batuawang, Kahetang sekitar 1.000-1.500 meter.

In addition, towards the Behabarat river, lava flows up to 1,000 meters, the sound of avalanches sounds weak to strong.

"The flames of the crater two are about 10 meters inside a moderate white smoke column pole, moderate smoke pressure is about 50 meters, while a silent/warm fire is observed on the walls of the lava dome," he said.

Yudia invites residents to be aware of the flood of volcanic material originating from the peak of Mount Karangetang.

"PVMBG continues to hope that residents will follow the recommendations that have been issued so that unwanted things do not occur," he said.