Two Defendants In The Corruption Case Of Rp665 Million Bansos Funds In Mukomuko Sentenced To 1.6 Years In Prison
BENGKULU - The Panel of Judges at the District Court (PN) of Corruption Crimes (Tipikor) Bengkulu sentenced two defendants to 1.5 years in prison, namely Social Assistance of Agung Jaya Village JS and Village Companion Mekar Jaya DT. The verdict was given because the two defendants were found guilty in the corruption case of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT) 2019-2021 Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu. "Defendant JS and DT were found guilty of imprisonment for one year and six months or 28 months," said Chief Executive of Bengkulu District Court Judge Dicky Wahyudi Susanto quoted by ANTARA, Monday 19 January. Because both of them have been proven to have violated Article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law (UU), besides the two defendants were also fined Rp. 50 million, subsidiary one month in prison. After the verdict was read out by the Panel of Judges, if the two defendants did not agree, there were still legal remedies against the time of thought of it for the next seven days. Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Kejari Mukomuko Agung Malik Rahman Hakim said that under his party was thinking and waited for the answers of the two defendants through the Legal Advisor (PH) "We think that the verdict was indeed down from our previous demands for two years in prison," he said. The two defendants had 100 percent returned state financial losses, so they were not charged with a substitute money (UP) penalty. Previously, there were three other defendants who had been convicted by the Panel of Judges Dwi Purwanti with imprisonment to the defendant. Regional Coordinator (Korda) namely YM for two years and seven months with a fine of Rp. 50 million subsidiary two months and YA imposed replacement money (UP) of Rp330 million with a subsidiary of six months in prison.
Meanwhile, the defendant, Social Assistance for Tirta Makmur Village, Lubuk Pinang NA District and Social Assistance for Penarik Village, Penarik District, SS was sentenced to 1.6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to two months, and the defendant NA was charged with compensation of Rp. 9 million, subsidiary to three months. From the BPNT case, the Public Prosecutor of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has recovered state financial losses of Rp. 665 million from a total of Rp. 1.11 billion calculation of the BPKP LHP.