BPKP Finds There Are 58 National Strategic Projects Not Worked On
JAKARTA - The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) noted that a number of National Strategic Projects (PSN) have not yet begun to be built. The number reaches 58 strategic infrastructure projects.
This was revealed by the Head of BPKP Muhammad Yusuf Ateh at the Opening of the Internal Supervision National Coordination Meeting (Rakornaswasin), at the BPKP Office, East Jakarta, Wednesday, June 14.
"In the infrastructure sector, there are 58 strategic infrastructure projects (PSN) that have not yet started construction," he said, at the BPKP Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 14.
But unfortunately, the man who is familiarly called Ateh did not specify these projects. Even so, he said, this condition characterizes that the implementation of government programs is still not running optimally.
"This condition is followed by the risk of delays in project completion and the non-optimal benefits of project development produced," he said.
In the human development sector, continued Ateh, his party also found that there were programs that had not run optimally.
For example, the matter of resolving stunting cases is not in accordance with the target of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).
In the human development sector, efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources have not been evenly distributed. For example, this can be seen from the settlement of stunting cases that did not meet the RPJMN target in 378 regions, as well as the quality of school classrooms that still need to be improved in 241 provincial, district/city areas," he explained.
Meanwhile, continued Ateh, from the aspect of effectiveness and harmonization of development in the regions, regional planning and budgeting are still not optimal.
"Based on the results of surveillance, we found that as many as 43 percent of the program has the potential to not optimally leverage development targets in areas tested for pick," he said.
"In addition, we also found a potential waste of regional expenditure allocations of 21 percent of the value of the budget being tested for pick," he continued.