5 Yoga Pose To Overcome Neck And Shoulder Sores Due To Wrong Sleeping Position

YOGYAKARTA One sleeping position can cause pain in the shoulders and neck after waking up. Maybe it doesn't interfere with activity, but discomfort when doing activities will certainly hinder it. To overcome the neck and shoulders of tension, yoga can be an alternative in dealing with the pain. In principle, yoga prevents all types of tensions with the body from staying active and moves to do poses. When you are in the wrong sleeping position and wake up with muscles around your neck and stiffness, here are yoga poses that can be practiced to overcome them.

This first pose begins with taking a creeping position. Make sure the wrist is below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Maintain the same balance in all four body supports while taking a breath by moving your head up and down. When exhaling, point your chin at your chest and pull your navel towards the spine. This yoga pose to overcome neck and shoulder pain can be repeated several times.

The second yoga pose starts from taking the position of the mountain, which stands and bends the body forward to the head almost touching the floor. Lift and bend both arms to be placed on the floor close to the soles of the feet. Let your head hang, keep your neck relaxed, and hold this position for a few seconds. In addition to reducing tensions in the neck, this pose also trains bending and strong spines.

The next pose, you can position your prone body by lifting your hands straight on the floor and your forehead placed on the mat. Stretch your hands forward with your palms facing down. When you breathe, raise your head, chest, and stomach slowly. Let the navel stick to the mattress and both legs tightly. Hold for a while this pose and release it. This pose helps stretch the muscles of the shoulders and chest as well as strengthen the neck bones.

Child poses are done by taking a position sitting on the heel. Then bend the body forward and lower the forehead to touch the mattress. Stretch your arms forward with your palms facing down. When taking this pose, press the chest on the thigh and then hold the position for a few seconds. After doing this movement, the back, spine, and pressure on the shoulder will decrease.

The yoga pose that relieves the pain of the last neck and shoulder is the simplest. You just lie back on your back near the wall. Try to touch your buttocks on the wall so that when your feet are lifted you can be parallel to the wall. Breathe deep and hold your position for one to two minutes. In addition to relaxing your neck and shoulders, this pose also helps overcome back pain.

The above are the five yoga poses that relieve neck and shoulder pain. Apart from the wrong posture or sleeping position, neck pain can also be caused by using a device or computer for too long, shoulder injuries due to certain exercise, and it could also be due to being too stressed, reported by The Yoga Nomads, Friday, June 9. Well, to overcome the discomfort around the neck and shoulders, you can practice the poses above.