Police Investigate Case Of The Theft Of 150 Subsidized LPG Tubes In Jombang

The Bareng Police, Jombang Regency, East Java, handled a case of theft of subsidized LPG cylinders of up to 150 tubes resulting in victims losing tens of millions of rupiah.

The Head of the Bareng Police, AKP Sudarsono, said that his party was still investigating the theft case. A number of witnesses have also been examined, including analyzing the CCTV footage.

"It looks like the perpetrator entered this warehouse, by opening the door. The perpetrator knew the door was not locked, so he was free to enter the warehouse," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 8.

The perpetrator took away the tube in the warehouse belonging to Sitatum Masria (33), a resident of Tebel Village, Bareng District, Jombang Regency.

"The perpetrator took LPG cylinders in the warehouse. In total there are around 150 tubes," he said.

His party has also secured a number of pieces of evidence, including CCTV cables with a length of about 40 centimeters. CCTV footage has also been secured.

Meanwhile, Sitatum Masria, the victim of the theft, said that at night the sound of the door was opened. However, he thought it was the sound from the door at his neighbor's house.

"Pada malam kejadian itu, ada bunyi pintu terbuka, saya pikir warga sebelah," ucap dia.

He did not expect that in the morning, it turned out that when he checked the LPG cylinder warehouse, it was gone. In the warehouse, there are 145 LPG cylinders that are still empty and five tubes are still filled.

He had time to check the CCTV footage. Seen one person carrying his tubes. The perpetrator carried with his right and left hands.

He suspected that the perpetrator was carrying the tube in a car. Although there was no car on CCTV, there was a light from the light that was suspected to be a car.

Sita, as he is familiarly called, also admitted that he did not know the perpetrator. The perpetrator wore a hat and his face was not seen on the CCTV footage. In addition, the perpetrator also damaged CCTV by cutting the cable.

"One person can be seen, from the spotlight it was a car to transport. However, his face was not caught on CCTV," he said.

He suspected that the perpetrator was a person who understood quite the situation at his home. He also hoped that the police would immediately reveal the perpetrator and arrest him.

Currently, Sitatum Masria's warehouse has also been installed with a police line, anticipating those who have no interest in entering. A number of pieces of evidence have also been secured.