Residents Of Graha Natura Housing Complain To The Deputy Mayor Of Surabaya About Fasum
SURABAYA - A number of residents at the Graha Natura Cluster Garden Ville 2 Housing have complained to the Deputy Guardian (Wawali) of Surabaya City, Armuji, asking that the housing public facilities (fasum) leveled by the developer be returned to their original state.
"Residents feel cheated by Graha Natura regarding this fasum," said a resident representative, Santoso, who complained to Vice Mayor Armuji who came to find a solution to residents at Graha Natura Housing, Surabaya, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.
Santoso said that he and residents bought Cluster Garden Ville 2 Graha Natura in 2018. Initially, by developers, residents were promised exclusive housing 24 houses along with public facilities (fasum) in the form of parks and trees.
Problems began to arise when developer Graha Natura wanted to expand the housing by completely sweeping the public's facilities. Residents then expressed a protest to the developer.
This polemic has also continued until the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of Commission C of the Surabaya City DPRD on March 14, 2023. One of the results of the meeting temporarily suspended the expansion of the Graha Natura housing.
Until finally the problem reached the ears of the Surabaya Mayor Armuji, who is often called Cak Ji. Then, Cak Ji came to the location to review this polemic.
According to Santoso, there is a difference between the site plan owned by residents and the developer. He said, the development version of the site plan is the same as the Surabaya City Residential and Housing Housing Service (DPRKPP).
Meanwhile, the citizen version of the site plan is the same as the Environment Agency (DLH) and the Surabaya City Transportation Service (Dishub). Surprisingly, the DPRKPP has two different site plans on the same date.
"It's strange, the issuance of the same date site, the same year, but (there is a site plan) is different," he said.
Hearing the residents' explanation, Cak Ji asked for the site plan issued by the DPRKPP to be corrected. Because, the site plan that was originally for public facilities turned into a residence.
Meanwhile, Legal Graha Natura Teguh admitted that there was a change in the site plan. However, it has been submitted to the DPRKPP and then approved by the Head of the DPRKPP Space Planning Division, Surabaya Reinhard Oliver.
Not satisfied with Teguh's explanation, residents asked Reni Mariska, General Manager Graha Natura, to leave the office. Not long after, Reni came to the residents. However, when asked by Cak Ji about the polemic of the site plan, he was just silent.
Cak Ji asked the DPRKPP to evaluate the site plan which was considered detrimental to the residents.