Kadin Ensures 2024 Elections Don't Be A Barrier For Investors To Enter Indonesia

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid guarantees that potential investors will not be affected by the General Election (Pemilu) which will take place in 2024, especially to invest in the State Capital (IKN).

According to him, this was because he reflected on the previous period of elections, in which the presidential candidates who were nominated at that time, namely Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prabowo Subianto, actually joined the government.

Currently, Jokowi is President and Prabowo is Minister of Defense.

"Investors are still waiting and seeing because there is an election? There must be that thought, everyone has that concern, but here they also see Indonesia in the last election, what happened to Pak Jokowi and Pak Prabowo to unite," Arsjad told reporters in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 23.

"This has seen that Indonesia wants, however, Alhamdulillah, until today the democratic process is safe," he added.

Arsjad added that his party also helped explain to potential investors that democracy in Indonesia has been historically safe.

This also makes investors not afraid to invest in Indonesia.

"That's what we explained to investors, and not the lies, just proof of what happened, how is this, and now see one year before the election calm down," he said.

According to him, Indonesia is still one of the countries that can be trusted by potential investors.

"We explain to investors that this (Indonesia) is a good place for investment, because Malaysia only liked it, Brunei, neighboring countries are waiting for us," he said.

Therefore, Arsjad asked for support from various parties so that this momentum would continue to be maintained in the future.

"This enthusiasm needs to be maintained and conveyed to other countries that Indonesia is the right goal to invest," he concluded.