DPRD Asks DKI Provincial Government To Change PPDB Terms For Affirmation Paths Must Have PIP

JAKARTA - Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD questioned one of the requirements for accepting new students (PPDB) for the affirmation route to be allowed to students registered in the assistance of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP).

This is stated in Governor Regulation Number 32 of 2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for New Student Admission. In the regulation, students who register for the affirmation route must have a Smart Jakarta Card (KJP) and be registered with PIP.

Meanwhile, according to Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Merry Hotma, many DKI residents want to register their children at public schools through affirmation channels but are rejected because they only have KJP.

In the PPDB system, the affirmation route is intended for underprivileged residents and people with disabilities. The DKI Provincial Government regulates the affirmation line capacity as much as 25 percent of the total PPDB quota.

"There is one thing that becomes an obstacle in the governor's regulation that creates problems, namely students who can get KJP in the 6th grade of elementary school and 3 junior high school so they cannot enter public schools because the PPDB route, KJP recipients must accept PIP," Merry told reporters, Tuesday, May 23.

Moreover, continued Merry, the children who received KJP had certainly come from underprivileged circles because they were registered in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) as recipients of assistance.

"Don't be left alone. If he is paired with a PIP, all of these will be killed by KJP. Students who can get KJP will definitely not be able to afford it because it is in accordance with DTKS. Meanwhile, PIP distribution is not based on DTKS," explained Merry.

So far, the DKI Jakarta Education Office has discussed to formulate a new policy so that KJP recipients are not constrained by entering public schools for affirmation channels only because of limiting regulations.

"We will continue to monitor. If they (Disdik DKI) say they can't before June 3, we'll have another meeting. If necessary, we will help him face the Acting Governor and Pak Sekda. Because this is an acceleration issue," he said.