Tram Development In Bogor City, Wait For Rail Grants From Surabaya
BOGOR - Bogor City continues to strive for the construction of a tram transportation network in Bogor City. One of them is by seeking various supporting facilities.
The discussion about the trams emerged during a meeting of the Bogor City Government (Pemkot) when visiting the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) office in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 17.
Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A Rachim accompanied by the Regional Secretary (Sekda), Syarifah Sofiah met directly with the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi regarding the transportation infrastructure program in Bogor City.
Head of the Bogor City Bappeda, Rudy Mashudi, explained that the plan to build trams was one of the discussions at the meeting.
"For the tram itself, we have conveyed several things, related to the FS (feasibility study) which was assisted by Collas Rail which has been completed. Then there are several things related to regulations, the RTRW Regional Regulation and now the plan for a railway company is being prepared at the Transportation Service," said Rudy, Friday, May 19.
Still about the trams, Rudy said that the Dirjen Railroad team would check the tram tracks in Surabaya. The reason is, there are unused rail assets so that they can be donated to the Bogor City Government.
Not only that, the Bogor City Government also conveyed the Transportation Regulation which is currently being discussed in the Bogor City DPRD Special Committee (Pansus).
As is known, trams are also in line with the construction of the Otista Bridge, which is now being overhauled by the Bogor City Government. The Otista road is predicted to have a special route for mass transportation.