Stimulant Funds Have Been Sent To 35,204 Accounts For Victims Of The Cianjur Earthquake
CIANJUR - The West Java Provincial Government stated that as many as 35.204 accounts of victims of the Cianjur earthquake had been filled with stimulant funds from the Central Government through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) with a total of IDR 1.02 trillion.
"Hopefully the stimulant funds can be used as well as possible by residents affected by the Cianjur disaster," said Head of the West Java Province Communications and Information Office, Ika Mardiah, in a statement, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
Bank Mandiri Regional VI/Java 1, as the party appointed to disburse stimulant funds, has carried out a credit process in the savings book of each earthquake victim who is entitled according to data obtained from BNPB.
Of these accounts, 8,881 accounts belonged to residents whose houses were heavily damaged, 6,915 accounts were moderately damaged and 19,408 accounts were slightly damaged.
Based on BNPB data, the total nominal number of affected residents who received stimulant funds reached 42,418 residents with accounts formed 38,823 numbers.
"A total of 3,595 accounts have not been formed due to problems related to the name of the biological mother and updates on Disdukcapil," said Ika.
Meanwhile, the progress of printing the savings book Phase 3 has formed 38,823 accounts, printed 9,292 severely damaged category books, 8,953 moderately damaged category books and 20,578 lightly damaged category books.
In order to accelerate the disbursement, Bank Mandiri has carried out 25 disbursement activities "on site" in 21 villages that became epicenters of the Cianjur earthquake, including Nagrak, Bunikasih, Limbangsari, Mekarsari, Babakan Karet, Ciherang, Benjot, Cibulakan, Cirumput, Cijedil, Galudra, Gasol, Mangunkerta, Nyalindung, Padaluyu, Saramapad, Sukajaya, Sukamanah, Sukamulya, Talaga and Wangunjaya.
Disbursement activities "on site" in villages to serve elderly, disabled, sick, pregnant women and residents with other special needs.