Requirements For Making Deeds For The Establishment Of PT In Indonesia
YOGYAKARTA - If you are one of many people who decide for the company, then don't forget to enter the deed of establishment of PT. This deed is one of the licensing documents that must be owned either for small or large companies.
Should not delay taking care of this deed because it will provide legal force for your business or business sector. What is the purpose of the deed of establishment of PT and how is the method of making it? Follow the discussion below.
Application For Limited Company Name
The application for the name of this company was registered by a notary through the Legal Entity Administration System (Sisminbakum) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
There are also requirements that are needed as follows:
This method intends to carry out checking the name of PT, where the use of PT cannot be similar or very close to the nickname PT that already exists to those that need to be provided, namely 2(two) or 3(three) option name PT, the attempt to name PT reflects the activities of your efforts. In addition, the registration of the name PT intends to obtain approval from an institution that is adrift (of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) in accordance with the UUPT and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 43 of 2011 concerning the Rules of Application Methods and the Use of Limited Company Names.
Making Deeds For The Establishment Of PT
The construction of the deed of establishment was carried out by a notary entitled to all regions of the Republic of Indonesia to then obtain approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights.
It should be understood that there are circumstances that need to be observed in the making of this deed, namely:
The role of PT, which PT must be in the area of the Republic of Indonesia by mentioning the name of the City where PT carries out business activities as the Head Office;
Making SKDP
The SKDP application (Company Domicile Certificate) was submitted to the local kelurahan office in accordance with the address of the PT office where you are, which is proof of the information/the existence of the company's address (dosemili buildings, if in the building). Another requirement needed is: photocopy of Land and Building Taxes (PBB) last year, Rental Agreements or business contracts for those who live domiciled not in office buildings, Identity Cards (KTP) Directors, Building Build Permits (IMB) if PT is not in office buildings.
Making NPWP
Application for NPWP registration is submitted to the Head of the Tax Service Office in accordance with the existence of PT domicile. Other requirements needed are: Director of PT's personal NPWP, Director's ID photocopy (or Passport photocopy for foreigners, specifically PT PMA), SKDP, and the deed of establishment of PT.
The Making Of The Company's Basic Budget
This application was submitted to the Minister of Law and Human Rights to obtain the ratification of the Company's Articles of Association (assembly) as a legal entity of PT in accordance with the UUPT. The requirements needed include:
Propose SIUP
SIUP is useful so that PT can carry out its business activities. However, it should be noted that each company should make SIUP, as long as the business activities it carries out are included in the Classification of the Indonesian Business Field Baku (KBLUI) as stipulated in the Regulation of the Head of the Central Statistics Agency Number 57 of 2009 concerning the Classification of the Indonesian Business Field Baku.
The application for registration for SIUP was submitted to the Head of the Industry and Trade Sub-dept. and/or the Cooperative of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and City or Regency Trade is related in accordance with the domicile of PT. The classification of SIUP is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.39/M-DAG/PER/12/2011 concerning the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.36/M-DAG/PER/9/2007 concerning the Issuance of a Trade Business License is as follows:
Applying for a Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
Registration applications are submitted to the Head of the Industry and Trade and/or Cooperative of Micro, Small and Medium Efforts and City or Regency Trade in accordance with industrial addresses. The listed industry will be handed over the TDP deed as proof that the company or business entity has made a mandatory list of industries in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37/M-DAG/ PER/9/ 2007 regarding the Implementation of Company Registration.
News of the State of the Republic of Indonesia (BNRI)
After the company is obliged to register the company and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, until it must be announced in the BNRI from the company that has been announced in BNRI, until PT is fully fit as a legal entity
So after knowing the conditions for making a deed of establishment of PT, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!