Ari Wibowo Admits There Is A Third Person Involvement Behind His Divorce Lawsuit

Actor Ari Wibowo confirmed the involvement of the third person behind his decision to sue for divorce from Inge Anugrah, the woman he had married for 17 years.

He revealed this in response to Petrus Bala Pattyona's statement, Inge Anugrah's attorney who said there was no involvement of a third person in their divorce case.

Arga Bangun as one of Ari Wibowo's legal team at a press conference, became the first person to reveal the involvement of a third person.

There is a statement circulating that this divorce is without the involvement of a third party. This statement is not true. That there is a third person, so there is this divorce," said Arga, launching Intens, Friday, April 21.

Ari himself agrees with his attorney's statement. However, he refused to speak further about the third person in question.

The 52-year-old actor reasoned that the matter would become material for the trial, and it was impossible for him to reveal what was in the trial to the public. Not only that, he also did not want to drop his wife's self-esteem in the public sphere.

From the start I said I had agreed with my wife that we did not bring down each other. If we really want to divorce, we separate well. I still appreciate him as a companion to my life for 17 years, who has given 2 extraordinary children, who we really love and love us," said Ari Wibowo.

"But yes, so that it doesn't become a burden for our children, I will also not vilify one of the parties. Let everything be resolved in court," he said.

For information, Ari Wibowo's divorce suit against Inge Anugrah at the South Jakarta District Court is registered with case number 324/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Jkt.Sel. The inaugural trial was held on April 17 yesterday, and will continue on May 8.