Minister Of Religion Asks Hajj Officers Not To Be Involved In Legal Problems In Saudi Arabia

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked Saudi Arabia's Hajj (PPIH) officers I44 Hijri to not deal with the law while serving pilgrims in the Holy Land. "Last year we still encountered several problems caused by hajj officers, so we had to deal with the Saudi Arabian police," said Yaqut when opening Integrated Technical Guidance with the Ministry of Health of PPIH Saudi Arabia 1444 H/2023 H at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Wednesday evening April 12, confiscated by Antara. In his remarks, Gus Yaqut asked Hajj officials to comply with the regulations in force in Saudi Arabia and to be a solution to the problems faced by the pilgrims. With the existence of problematic officers being an additional job for us in the ministry,' said Yaqut. The Minister of Religion hopes that this year no officers will deal with Saudi Arabian security officers, so that the implementation can run smoothly.

Yaqut berpesan kepada semua petugas PPIH Arab Saudi untuk memahami semua peraturan yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan selama di Arab Saudi.Petugas haji juga diminta untuk banyak bersabar dalam melayani jemaah.sehingga tidak merasa tersakiti karena petugas tidak mampu menahan emosi.Pelaksanaan haji 1444 Hijriah/2023 M mengangkat tema Haji Ramah Lansia dimana pemerintah Indonesia memberangkatkan jamaah haji ke Tanah Suci sebanyak 203.320 jemaah haji reguler dengan komposisi jemaah lansia sebanyak 67.000 atau sepertiga dari kuota haji reguler dan 17.680 jemaah haji khusus.