Overcoming Netflix's Most Annoying Problems: Solutions For Users
Netflix users often encounter some annoying problems while watching movies (photo: dock. pexels)

JAKARTA - Netflix users often encounter some annoying problems while watching their favorite movies or shows. Starting from buffering at playback, less accurate recommendations, to trailers that are automatically played.

However, don't let these problems get in the way of your viewing experience. Here are the solutions to address some of the most annoying problems on Netflix:

If you want to delete movies or events from the "Continue Watching" list, you can do this by going to the Watching Activity page. The trick is to log in to your account, select your profile, then select Watching Activities. Here, you can click the "no" symbol next to the title you want to delete.

While it's difficult to control recommendations directly, you can influence it by rating the movies or events you've watched. Netflix uses this rating information to personalize recommendations.

If you want to delete your viewing history and reset your Netflix account, you can delete your Netflix profile and create a new one.

To watch Netflix in 4K quality, you need Premium subscription packages and supported devices. Also make sure to set playback settings to suit your wishes.

Netflix regularly adds and removes movies and TV shows because the broadcast rights have a certain time limit.

You can easily share the link directly to the movies or events you want to recommend to your friends.

If Netflix often stops or pauses, most likely the problem lies in your internet connection. Make sure to check your internet speed using the speed test kit provided by Netflix.

If you want to reduce data usage while watching Netflix on mobile devices, you can set settings to use mobile data more efficiently.

Some events on Netflix provide the "Opening Safety" button, but for those that don't, you can use the available keyboard skip or shortcut button.

If you suspect that your Netflix account has been hacked, change your password immediately and remove all devices that use your account.

You can turn off the autoplay feature for the trailer by changing your profile settings.

If you want to stop automatic playback for the next episode, you can change the settings in your profile.

Netflix doesn't allow password sharing with people outside of your household. They must have their own accounts or you can add them as additional members by paying extra fees.

By following these solutions, it is hoped that your viewing experience on Netflix can be more fun without being disturbed by these problems.

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