JAKARTA Ubisoft, a video game service provider company, attempted to be hacked by an unknown individual on Wednesday, December 20. This individual tried to steal 900GB of Ubisoft's data.

According to VX underground findings, the largest malware community on the internet, this individual managed to access the Ubisoft website for 48 hours. However, the company immediately realized this hacking attempt so that the individual lost access.

Luckily, Ubisoft acted quickly because the perpetrators managed to access the company's internal data in Microsoft Teams to the SharePoint server. The hackers also almost took user data from the Rainbow Six Siege video game.

After (the perpetrators) entered, they audited users' access rights and spent time reviewing Microsoft Teams, Conference, and SharePoint as a whole. They tried to retrieve R6 Siege user data, but it didn't work, "explained VX underground on platform X.

Meanwhile, Ubisoft has confirmed to Bleeping Computer that they are aware of an attempted hack into the company's internal services. The well-known game maker said they were investigating.

"We are aware of the alleged data security incident and are investigating it. We have no further information to share at this time," said Ubisoft's representative, quoted from the Bleeping Computer report.

This is not the first time an internal company site has been attempted to be hacked by irresponsible parties. In 2020, a group of hackers named Egregor broke into Ubisoft's security and shared the company's unencrypted file archives.

Egregor claimed that they were taking the source code for the Watch Dogs: Legion game which was to be released by Ubisoft. As evidence of their actions, Egregor distributed 20MB-sized files from the games they took.

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