OpenAI CEO Confirms Cannot Develop AGI Next Year
OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman (doc. Special).

JAKARTA - Before changing its years to 2024, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman asked his followers on X to find out what the public expects for OpenAI next year.

"What do you want OpenAI to make/repair in 2024?" Altman asked his followers on X on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Just two minutes after being uploaded, Altman received a lot of requests regarding Artificial General Intelligence or AGI.

However, unfortunately Altman said that it would be impossible to make it happen next year.

Wow much more demand in the first two minutes for AGI than expected. "I'm sorry for disappointing, but I don't think we can make it happen in 2024," he replied.

What's AGI?

Launching from the Amazon website, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a theoretical AI research area that seeks to create software with human-like intelligence and the ability to learn independently.

The purpose of this development itself is so that software can carry out tasks that are not necessarily trained or developed.

Amazon also mentioned that there are some prominent differences between AI and AGI. If the AI we are currently using can answer various problems through the machine learning model (ML).

On the other hand, with AGI, instead of being limited to a certain scope, AGI can learn to be independent and solve problems that have never been trained before.

In fact, some computer scientists believe that AGI is a hypothetical computer program with human cognitive understanding and capabilities.

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