JAKARTA WhatsApp launched a new feature called Pinned Messages. With this feature, WhatsApp users can remember important messages.

Meta, the company that oversees WhatsApp, says that the Membing Message feature has been rolled out to all users globally. However, not all users can see this feature because its spread is still gradual.

Although it is not clear when this feature will be present in Indonesia, WhatsApp has shown how to use this feature. In an illustration video that WhatsApp shares on platform X, they show that the message bubble from the Poll feature can be embedded.

When members of a group finish selecting Poll, other users can embed the Poll. They only need to press the message containing Poll for a long time, then tap the vertical three-dot next to the phone icon.

Usually, this three-dot menu will display the Copy option, Reply Personal to the message maker's account, Message to the message maker's account, and Report the message maker's account. However, in the latest view, the Sembet option will appear at the top.

After selecting the Sembet menu, WhatsApp will provide a time option. This means that the message embedded will not last forever. Users can choose 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. Regardless of the time, users can stop embedding at any time.

After selecting the time, the title Poll will appear in the upper page, precisely under the group name. Even though WhatsApp provides an example with the Poll feature, ordinary messages can still be embedded by users on all devices, both Android, iOS, and desktop.

Especially for groups, admins who are in control can manage who members can embed messages. To set the controls, open a vertical three-dot in the chat group, select Group Settings, then turn on Edit Group Settings.

Unlike for iOS users, admin groups must open Group info first, then select Edit Group Settings and tap All Members or Only Admin. This method also applies to WhatsApp users on websites and desktops.

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